Year 6: Willow: Natural History Museum

June 27, 2024

 A wonderful day spent with Willow class today on our final Year 6 trip! We took the train to London to spend the day at the Natural History Museum. 

While at the museum, we visited the extinct birds, fossils, mini beasts and earthquake and volcano exhibitions. We had a workshop all about the evolution of animals and why evolution occurs. 

After lunch we headed to the gift shop for a treat and then started our journey home. 

From start to finish the children were so fantastic! Kind, well mannered and mature. It was lovely to see students giving up seats on the train, celebrating buskers in the tunnels, and respecting the areas in the museum! We even had a lady from the train comment on how amazing the children were and say ‘they are a credit to the school’. 

What a way to spend the day! Well done lovely Willow class! 

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